To use our application with all its potential, please use a tablet device display or larger. Our prediction results cannot be properly displayed on a small screen.
Thank you, DEBIN Team
Please address the following errors:
The file you uploaded is not in the correct file format.
Please upload a binary of correct format.
Error transforming binary code into intermediate representation.
Please select a binary.
Error getting file.
Error while processing the binary file.
Error uploading binary file. Please retry uploading a file.
Error getting prediction status.
Error generating output binary.
The architecture of the binary is not supported. It should be any of x86, x64 and ARM (without thumb instructions).
The format of the binary is not supported. It should be ELF format. Please retry another one.
There is no .text section in the input binary or section headers are removed. Please retry another one.
The file you uploaded is larger than 2MB. Please upload a smaller file.
Want to try bigger binaries? Email us at