Predicting Debug Information in Stripped Binaries

DEBIN uses machine learning to recover debug information of stripped binaries (x86, x64, ARM).
This is helpful for various binary analysis tasks such as decompilation, malware inspection and similarity.

DEBIN is now open sourced. Check the repository!


DEBIN is a novel system for predicting debug information in stripped binaries. It is able to distinguish register-allocated and memory-allocated variables with decision-tree-based classification. Moreover, it is capable of predicting meaningful names and types for variables and functions through structured prediction with probabilistic graphical models. These models are learned from thousands of non-stripped binary in open source packages. The system can be further used for malware inspection.


DEBIN is developed at Secure, Reliable and Intelligent Systems Lab, ETH Zurich. To investigate further on how DEBIN works, please refer to DEBIN CCS'18 paper. DEBIN is part of the Machine Learning for Programming project.


If you have any feedback, suggestions or want to use DEBIN for larger binaries, please email Martin Vechev by


This service by ETH Zurich, Department of Computer Science, Secure, Reliable, and Intelligent Systems Lab, is free of charge. We accept only legal pieces of code. All entries are logged for research and improvement of service. ETH Zurich does not warrant any rights or service levels, nor does it acquire any rights on the code entered. Swiss law is applicable. The place of jurisdiction is Zurich, Switzerland. By sending code to this site, you warrant that all your entries are in your sole responsibility and you do not infringe any laws or third-party rights like copyrights and the like. ETH Zurich and its employees shall not be liable for any entries and for any damages resulting thereof. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold them harmless from any legal or financial demands or arising out of the breach of these terms of use, especially from third-party claims regarding infringement of copyrights and the like.

To use our application with all its potential, please use a tablet device display or larger. Our prediction results cannot be properly displayed on a small screen.

Thank you, DEBIN Team

Linux ELF binaries on x86, x64 and ARM (without Thumb instructions), 2MB maximum.

or try samples: